Used by over 1200 Hair, Beauty & Aesthetics Entrepreneurs to date


FREE eBook Reveals Our Simple 6-Step Formula That Any Salon, Skin Clinic or Barbershop Can Use To Create A Consistent Flow Of New Clients Using Google Ads

In This eBook:

  • Uncover the 6 easy-to-follow steps to creating an ad campaign that guarantees new clients for a profit and up to a 1100% return on your ad spend! 
  • ​Examples of perfect new-client offers and landing pages that get maximum takers 
  • Why business owners are throwing money away without using these simple Google Ad settings
  • ​Eye-grabbing Ad Headlines and Descriptions that potential new clients simply must click on! 
  • ​Customer booking psychology, the "courting process" and how to become a pro at converting cold leads
  • ​A foolproof strategy we constantly use to get our Members BOOKED UP! 
  • ​BONUS: We're even going to send you Video Tutorials, going over the key points in each step. ALL.... FOR..... FREE!
*By ordering this free eBook you agree to be added to our "More Clients n' Cashflow" Email Group, giving you more great advice and growth tips. You can unsubscribe at any time. And don't worry, your details WILL NOT be shared.
This new, extended edition is only available for the next 56 DAYS before this free eBook offer closes..... so grab your copy now!

About is a Marketing and Consultancy Agency that specialises in working with Hair and Beauty Salons, Skin Clinics and Health & Fitness Businesses. Our founder alone has over 15 years experience in working with salons, from rapidly growing franchises with 100+ locations to small new independents getting started.
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